Trinity Angel Rose

Documenting The Life Of A Little Angel And Her Family

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Another Visit

Tony, the 3 kids and I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon to have a weekend visit at John Hopkins.
The Nicu center there, allows siblings under 18 to visit on we are going to take advantage of that.
MacKenzie, Cavin, and Morganna will be getting a flu shot before we leave. They aren't too happy about that, but the benefits are worth it.

When I was very early in Trinity's pregnancy (February 2005) , I caught the flu bug from my children. It was the worst. I was already having morning, noon and night sickness......and then I started throwing up every 15 minutes. Thankfully the kids were helpful and we made it through those 5 days. But I don't want to relive that again.

Dr. Dan called me last night, and informed me that they were looking to send Trinity home this weekend or next week. As soon as they could get everything arranged. There is some equipement, prescribtions, and appointments that needed to be lined up first.

So we will be there from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening....and then I am planning on returning to John Hopkins Wednesday and returning Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). This time I am planning on returning home with Trinity.

Trinity's g-tube insertion is being scheduled and will probably not be able to be done for 3 weeks. Because Trinity is so stable and thriving - they don't feel she needs to stay in the hospital - they would rather have her return when her surgery is scheduled.

I am getting nervous about Trinity coming home. Whether or not I am ready to provide her the kind of care she needs. After Trinity is released from the hospital, Tony and I are planning on staying over that night at The Children's House, just in case. That way if anything happens the first night, we are only 50 steps away from the hospital. I really don't plan on sleeping that first week she is home. I will be too nervous.

But the range of emotions does not stop at nervous - I am excited, scared, relieved, I am bouncing around.


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