Trinity Angel Rose

Documenting The Life Of A Little Angel And Her Family

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Grandma Got To Hold Trinity Again

Tony and I were able to make it back to John Hopkins for a short visit this past weekend (November 11th - 12th). My sister Marian was able to come down and watch the kids so we could go.

It was wonderful to see and hold Trinity again. She is growing (6 pounds 5 ounces) and looking more beautiful every day.

Her sodium / hormone replacements are stable.

Her breathing and heart are strong.

Her g-tube - a tube put through her stomach wall - should be put in place this week.

She should be coming home soon after.

All such good news to hear.

There is still some "doom & gloom" coming from the doctors in the NICU.

As far as plastic surgery for Trinity - they aren't sure if it will or should be done - as the risk of the surgery might not be worth it - something that we will need to consider in the future.

I was just happy to be there, and to finally see her eyes open for a length of time. I wish I have been able to watch her grow more during these past few weeks - but I know that I will get my time with her soon.

The Children's House at John Hopkins has been just wonderful about letting us stay on such short notice. It is amazing the outreaching of hands full of support that are offered during times like these.

Grandma was able to hold and rock Trinity for a long time - she also scrunched up Trinity face and tried to open her eyes, but Trinity was having none of that and kept them shut tight. Grandma had not been able to hold Trinity since a few days after she was born. I think it was good for both of them.


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